$elem) echo ++$n.": $k => $elem
"; // No Caching... header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") ." GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-cache"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0"); // sent data compressed ...!!! //ob_start("ob_gzhandler"); import_request_variables("gp"); //// Configure... // read hocup definitions if(file_exists("hocup.def")) include("hocup.def"); else { echo "
*** Cup definition file 'hocup.def' not found! ***\n"; echo "
*** Also don't forget to edit the file 'hocup.dates'...
\n"; } // HO!-Cup match dates (5 group stage + 4 KO stage0 if(file_exists("hocup.dates")) $dates=file("hocup.dates"); else $dates=array("1.","2.","3.","4.","5.","6.","7.","8.","9."); // default file names if(!isset($inputfile)) $inputfile="hocup.dat"; if(!isset($outputfile)) $outputfile="hocup.dat"; //// End of Configure! // language if(isset($lang)) setlocale("LC_TIME",$lang); // sometimes this is NOT set??? Browser dependent...? IExplorer? $maxdata = $_POST['maxdata']; if(!isset($maxdata)) $maxdata=0; // remember logged in HT server session_start(); if(!isset($Server) && isset($_SESSION["Server"])) $Server=$_SESSION["Server"]; if(isset($Server)) $_SESSION["Server"]=$Server; // possible Server ranges $startServer = array( 70,200); $numServer = array( 30, 10); // password check? (set write to TRUE as default if users should be able to register over web form) $md5pwd= "833037040d08c7741b68d89c552be47b"; $write = TRUE; $action = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; if(isset($Passwort)) { if(md5($Passwort) === $md5pwd) { echo "*** Passwort korrekt. SCHREIBMODUS AKTIV...***"; $write = TRUE; $action = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?Passwort=".$Passwort; } else echo "*** FALSCHES Passwort!!! $Passwort ***"; } // write to team list if($write && $BUTTON=="send") { if(empty($Name)) die("

*** Sorry, team name not set! ***

"); if(empty($Manager)) die("

*** Sorry, manager name not set! ***

"); if(empty($ID)) die("

*** Sorry, team ID not set! ***

"); if(empty($League)) die("

*** Sorry, league not set! ***

"); if(empty($Country)) die("

*** Sorry, country not set! ***

"); if(empty($TSI)) die("

*** Sorry, I need the sum over the TSI of your 11 cup players! ***

"); if ( file_exists($outputfile) ) { if ( $datei=fopen($outputfile,"a") ) { flock($datei,2); $maxdata=$maxdata+1; if(isset($TSI) && $TSI>0) $TSI=$TSI."|\n"; else $TSI="?|\n"; $Comment.=" (".date("j.n.y G:i").")"; if($maxdata<10) $teaminfo=array("0".$maxdata,$Name,$Manager,$ID,$League,$Country,$Comment,$TSI); else $teaminfo=array($maxdata,$Name,$Manager,$ID,$League,$Country,$Comment,$TSI); $output=implode("|",$teaminfo); fwrite($datei,$output); fclose($datei); echo "*** REGISTRATION accepted... ***"; echo " And PLEASE don't forget that!!! We'll arrange a friendly match for you..."; } else echo "
Could not open File $outputfile!"; } else echo "
File $outputfile not found!"; } ?> The HO!-Cup Pages

The HO!-Cup (season )

A Hattrick Friendly Cup for the Members of the Hattrick Organizer Discussion >Forum!

Group Stage:\n"; $Nmax=$Ncol-1; for($N=0;$N<=$Nmax;$N++) { // activate this for special week 1 mode (plain list with fixtures)! //if($WEEK1 && $N==$Nmax) $GroupLink="readtable.php?tablefile=Gruppe.R"; //else if($WEEK1) $GroupLink="knockout.php?Stage=0"; // one list per group (only activated in week 2?) else $GroupLink="tabelle.php?Gruppe=".$G[$N]; if($N<$ngroups) echo "".$G[$N]."\n"; else echo "".$G[$N]."\n"; } echo ""; if($Nmax==$ngroups) echo " Group ".$G[$Nmax]." is the Mini-Cup for the replacement teams and not part of the regular HO!-Cup! "; echo "

"; } elseif($TYPE=="SST" || $TYPE=="SSTKO") { $Ncol=count($R); $cw2=round(100/($Ncol+1),1); $cw1=100-$cw2*$Ncol; $Nmax=count($R)-1; echo ""; // "; for($N=0;$N<=$Nmax;$N++) { $GroupLink="SSTtabelle.php?Runde=".$R[$N]; if($N<$nrounds) echo "\n"; else echo "\n"; } echo "
Fixtures:SST Round:".$dates[$N]."".$R[$N]."
All teams play ".$nrounds."(Home/Away or Neutral Ground and Cup-Rules or not depending on Round!)."; if($TYPE=="SSTKO") echo "The KO matches after the ".$nrounds.". round HAVE to be arranged with cup rules and on neutral ground!"; echo "

"; } else echo " First ALL teams play ".$nrounds." matches which are counted after 90min (Home/Away!), the $nkoteams leading teams will proceed.
The matches in the following KO stage HAVE to be arranged with cup rules and on neutral ground!

"; ?> Ranking

0) { $format = "last update: %m/%d/%y %I:%M %p

\n"; echo strftime($format,filemtime("Tabelle.".$LastStage)); } } elseif($TYPE=="SST") { $kofile="Matches.dat"; include("knockout.php"); } ?>

Previous seasons: ".$S."\n"; ?>          Hall Of Fame

Questions/Fragen: HT-mail / PM @ RAGtime or DrBembel
4.0) && (float_val(substr(stristr($userBrowser, "Mozilla"),8, 3)) < 5.0)); /* The first value of the substr() function determines after how characters the sub-string starts and latter defines the length of the sub-string. If in the end of the searched string would be empty space or character they are not harmful because that possibility has been taken account. It is not necessary to check tha value by using the ctype_digit() function. */ //echo "
Internet-Browser: $userBrowser
==> MSIE=$MSIE Opera=$Opera Moz4=$Moz4 Gecko=$Gecko NN4=$NN4 Moz4all=$Moz4All "; if($seconds<0) echo "

Sorry, too late. The DEADLINE has been expired already! Late arrivals may contact us via ht-mail...

"; else { // Das get immer, da reines php! if($NN4 || $Moz4all || ($Moz4 && !$MSIE)) echo "

Es waren grade eben noch $days Tage, $hours Stunden, $minutes Minuten und $seconds Sekunden bis zur DEADLINE!!!

"; //... Aber Live-Counter ist cooler... (JS&PHP, aber: Nicht mit Netscape <5!) else echo "

Only seconds left until DEADLINE!!!

"; //echo "

Replacement players NEEDED for TOMORROW!!!

"; } echo "\n

\n"; if(($write && $seconds>0) || md5($Passwort) === $md5pwd) { echo ""; echo "

HO!-Cup registration:

"; echo "
\n"; echo "Team Name: \n"; echo "Manager:
\n"; echo "Team ID: \n"; echo "Liga/Series: \n"; echo "Land/Country:
\n"; echo "Kommentar/Comment:
\n"; //if($TYPE=="SST" || $TYPE=="SSTKO" ) echo "TSI-Sum of HO!-Cup Team: (Only 11 players! Just approximately!)
\n"; echo "

\n"; echo "

\n"; } echo "

"; $tablefile=$inputfile; $darklines=$nteams; $grouplinktab=8; if($WEEK1) $maxcolumn=7; include("readtable.php"); $maxdata=$tabledata; echo "\n"; $frei=$nteams-$maxdata; if($TYPE=="CUP") { if($frei > 20) echo "

Still $frei places left!

"; else if($frei > 10) echo "

Only $frei places left!

"; else if($frei > 5) echo "


"; else if($frei > 0) { echo "


"; } else { if($seconds>0) { echo "


"; echo "

".min(-$frei,10)." teams will play in the replacement group R... but maybe we'll add another regular group if enough teams apply!

"; } else { echo "


"; echo "

But maybe we need some replacement teams...?"; } } } elseif($TYPE=="SST") { if($seconds>0) if($frei > 0) echo "

At least $frei place(s) left! If we add a round even more...

"; else echo "

Still places left, if we start not to late...

"; else echo "


"; } elseif($TYPE=="SSTKO") { if($seconds>0) echo "

There's NO limitation on participants!

"; else echo "


"; } echo "
"; // no display, just count $style=0; // referer of THIS page $ref = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $referer = (isset($ref) && $ref != '/') ? $ref : "Direct Request"; include("counter.php"); ?>