for($N=0;$N<=$Nmax;$N++) {
// activate this for special week 1 mode (plain list with fixtures)!
if($WEEK1 && $N==$Nmax) $GroupLink="readtable.php?tablefile=Gruppe.R";
else if($WEEK1) $GroupLink="knockout.php?Stage=0";
// one list per group (only activated in week 2?)
else $GroupLink="tabelle.php?Gruppe=".$G[$N];
echo "
All teams play ".$nrounds."(Home/Away or Neutral Ground and Cup-Rules or not depending on Round!).";
echo "The KO matches after the ".$nrounds.". round HAVE to be arranged with cup rules and on neutral ground!";
echo "
echo "
First ALL teams play ".$nrounds." matches which are counted after
90min (Home/Away!), the $nkoteams leading teams will proceed.
The matches in the following KO stage HAVE to be arranged with cup rules
and on neutral ground!
Questions/Fragen: HT-mail / PM @ RAGtime or DrBembel
// deadline countdown
// mktime is the marked time, and time() is the current time.
$target = mktime($hour,$minute,$second,$month,$day,$year);
$diff = $target - time();
$days = ($diff - ($diff % 86400)) / 86400;
$diff = $diff - ($days * 86400);
$hours = ($diff - ($diff % 3600)) / 3600;
$diff = $diff - ($hours * 3600);
$minutes = ($diff - ($diff % 60)) / 60;
$diff = $diff - ($minutes * 60);
$seconds = ($diff - ($diff % 1)) / 1;
// Browser Detection
$userBrowser = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
$MSIE = (stristr($userBrowser, "MSIE") || stristr($userBrowser, "Internet Explorer"));
/* The first argument of the function stristr is the string, where the sub-string should be found. The second argument is the searched sub-string. */
$Opera = (stristr($userBrowser, "Opera") && 1);
$Moz4 = (stristr($userBrowser, "Mozilla/4") && 1);
$Gecko = (stristr($userBrowser, "Gecko") && 1);
$NN4 = ($Moz4 && !$MSIE && !$Gecko && !$Opera);
function float_val( $strValue )
$floatValue = preg_replace( "/[^0-9\.]*/", "", $strValue );
if (false == is_numeric($floatValue)) $floatValue = 0;
return $floatValue;
$Moz4All = ((float_val(substr(stristr($userBrowser, "Mozilla"),8, 3)) > 4.0) && (float_val(substr(stristr($userBrowser, "Mozilla"),8, 3)) < 5.0));
/* The first value of the substr() function determines after how characters the sub-string starts and latter defines the length of the sub-string. If in the end of the searched string would be empty space or character they are not harmful because that possibility has been taken account. It is not necessary to check tha value by using the ctype_digit() function. */
//echo " Internet-Browser: $userBrowser ==> MSIE=$MSIE Opera=$Opera Moz4=$Moz4 Gecko=$Gecko NN4=$NN4 Moz4all=$Moz4All ";
echo "
Sorry, too late. The DEADLINE has been expired already!
else {
// Das get immer, da reines php!
if($NN4 || $Moz4all || ($Moz4 && !$MSIE))
echo "
Es waren grade eben noch $days Tage, $hours Stunden, $minutes Minuten und $seconds Sekunden bis zur DEADLINE!!!
//... Aber Live-Counter ist cooler... (JS&PHP, aber: Nicht mit Netscape <5!)
echo "